Writer-Director, filmmaker and educator Jason Rosette’s first feature movie, the New York film ‘BookWars‘, is now being distributed by the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. As the movie continues to circulate after more than 15 years, occupying additional platforms including iTunes and Amazon Video, the edgy street-side #documentary portraying the lives of New York sidewalk booksellers in 1990’s New York is now considered an important indie New York classic. Read the illuminating story behind the making of ‘BookWars’ and other #films by Jason ‘Camerado’ Rosette in the filmmaking #ebook, ‘10,000 Miles to Go: An American Filmmaking Odyssey’…
american asean asia audible audiobook audio producer bookwars cambodia camerado crooner director documentary ebook educator EP film filmmaker filmmaking florida gone marshall indie itunes jason rosette music music production myanmar narration narrator new york now streaming NYC pop production record reel rock spotify thailand video vietnam VO voice actor voice artist voiceover writer-director