Just a heads up that I noticed on a routine Google search that there’s another guy out there also named Jason Rosette who’s a criminal under Federal charges in Detroit, Michigan, USA… letting all colleagues, clients, employers (potential and past) friends et al know that that is not me 🙂 I am a different Jason Rosette, award winning media maker educator and producer Jason Rosette (aka Camerado) with a verifiably clean record Kindly see my Linkedin profile for more info at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonrosettecamerado | See info about this other guy at: https://wwjnewsradio.radio.com/articles/federal-charges-against-4-scheme-funnel-accident-reports-law-firm *PS – Now looking into whether my identity has been ‘borrowed’…
360 video acting american animation asean asia audible audiobook bookwars cambodia camerado director documentary ebook educator film filmmaker filmmaking gi says gone marshall indie itunes jason rosette moma museum of modern art music music production myanmar narration narrator new york now streaming NYC photography production reel spotify thailand video vietnam VO voice actor voice artist voiceover writer-director